Carnival Traditions in the Altmühltal Nature Park
During Carnival - the so-called "Fifth Year’s Season" - strange characters wander in some towns of the Altmühltal Nature Park: the "Fasenickl" of Kipfenberg and the "Fosanegl" of Kinding walk on the streets - their face covered by a carved wooden mask - cracking their wipes and giving sweets or Brezen (the traditional Bavarian bread "symbol" of the Oktoberfest) to the children as small presents. The history of these characters can be traced back to the Baroque age, but their origin is probably even older. By these parades and other events taking place at Carnival, it is possible to admire the great skill of these curious characters.
In Breitenbrunn, the Carnival ends with a historic tradition. The "Haberfeldtreiben" brings back past times when dishonest merchants, swindlers, women of loose morals and those who watered down wine were pilloried. Today the "notables" of Breitenbrunn meet on the last Thursday before Shrove Tuesday and condemn the "misdeed" of their fellow citizens… obviously for a joke, as nobody is pilloried for true! Then they celebrate together at the Great Carnival Ball, as in many other towns in the Altmühltal Nature Park.