Ja, natürlich!
Dinosaurier Museum Altmühltal

Data Protection Declaration

Privacy Policy

The District Landkreis Eichstätt takes the protection of your personal data very seriously. We have implemented all the appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the respect of legal provisions on data protection both by us and by external service suppliers.


Each time you access our servers, data is stored for statistical and safety purposes. In this case, the only data we collect (just for a limited period of time) is the IP address of your Internet service provider, the access date and time as well as the address of the website you are visiting. This data is used for optimizing our Internet service only and is analysed with no possibility of being traced back to you. In case of severe violations of our Terms and Conditions of Use and of unlawful access and/or access attempts to our servers, we reserve the right to derive personal data by means of single data sets.


Our online service contains links to websites of third parties. In this case, we have no influence on their respect of the provisions on data protection.

When recalling individual pages, the so-called “temporary cookies” are used to make navigation easier. These session cookies do not contain any personal data and expire at the end of the session. We do not make use of any techniques for tracing the user's access behaviour, e.g., Java-Applets or Active-X-Controls.

Contact Forms

Personal data that is collected while you are using our Internet service is used without your permission exclusively for processing your requests. Please note that your data is used for advertising and market research purposes with your prior specific consent only. Moreover, your personal data is not transmitted to any third party.


By filling out and sending the form, you agree with the afore said collection, processing and usage of your data. You have the right to withdraw the consent you have granted with future effect without specifying any reason.


Please send an e-mail to info@naturpark-altmuehltal.de if you want to withdraw your consent.

Newsletter Subscription

We use your e-mail address for sending you our Newsletter periodically only if you have granted us your specific consent according to Art. 6 Par. 1-1-a) of the GDPR. For receiving our Newsletter, you only need to provide an e-mail address, which is not transmitted to any third party.


You may cancel the subscription to this Newsletter at any time, either directly in the newsletter or by e-mail to info@naturpark-altmuehltal.de.

Personal Data

Postal and e-mail addresses provided within a request or a brochure order will be used for correspondence purposes and/or the dispatch of the ordered material only.


This website makes use of plug-ins by Meta (Meta Platforms Ireland Limited, 4 Grand Canal Square, Dublin 2, Ireland). You can recognize these plug-ins either through the blue Facebook “F” or that the plug-ins are designated with the word “Facebook.” Through a request from our website, a connection to Facebook servers can be produced and data transmitted by means of these plug-ins. On the one hand, the information that you see will be transferred directly from the servers to your browser and presented there; on the other hand, information about your visit to our website will be provided to Facebook. When you are logged into Facebook, the provided information can be matched directly to your account. Through an interaction with the functions of the plug-ins, for example, by clicking the “like” button, this information will be sent directly to Facebook and saved there. Facebook is responsible for the processing of this information. For the corresponding conditions and process settings, please refer to Facebook’s privacy notices. If you want to avoid that personally identifiable data of yours is transmitted to Facebook, you should log out of Facebook before visiting our website.

Server Log File

When you visit this website, the browser used on your terminal device sends information to our website server automatically. This information is temporarily stored in a so-called “log file”. Following information is collected without any action by you and is stored until its automatic deletion:

We process the aforementioned data for the following purposes:

Legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 Par. 1-1-f) of the GDPR. Our legitimate interest arises from the aforementioned purposes of data collection. In no case we will use the collected data for tracing back to your person.


On our website we use cookies. Cookies are small files automatically generated by your browser upon request of our website and stored on your terminal device (laptop, tablet, smart phone, etc.) when you visit our website. Cookies cannot harm your terminal device and contain no virus, Trojan horse or other malware.

The information stored in cookies depends specifically on the device in use. However, this does not mean that we get to know your identity directly.

By using cookies, we can make our service more user friendly. Therefore, we use the so-called “session cookies”. This helps us recognizing that you have already visited individual pages of our website. Once you have closed our pages, these cookies are deleted automatically.

In order to optimize our website ergonomics, we also use temporary cookies that are stored on your terminal device for a specific period of time. When you return to our website to use our services, you will be automatically recognized as a former user together with your inputs and settings, so that you do not need to reconfigure them.

We use cookies for tracking our website usage for statistical purposes and for evaluating our service optimization, too. When you return to our website, these cookies help us recognizing automatically that you have already been our user and are automatically deleted after a specific period of time.

The data obtained through cookies are necessary for the afore mentioned purposes in order to safeguard our legitimate interests and those of third parties according to Art. 6 Par. 1-1-f) of the GDPR.

Most browsers accept cookies automatically. If you do not want cookies to be stored on your PC or you want a notice to be shown before a new cookie is created, you can disable this in the system settings of your browser. However, completely disabling cookies can restrict some functionalities of our website.

Datenschutz-Einstellungen öffnen

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Inc. (https://www.google.de/intl/de/about/, Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland; in the following referred to as “Google”), for making our websites more user friendly and optimizing them constantly. In this process, pseudonymized usage profiles are created and cookies are used. Pieces of information on your usage of this website created by cookies, e.g. 

are transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored on it. Information is used to evaluate the website usage, compile reports about website activities and develop other services associated with website and Internet usage with the purpose of carrying out market researches and structuring these websites according to users’ needs. This information may also be transmitted to third parties if it is prescribed by law or these third parties are entrusted with the processing of this data specifically. In no case Google will associate your IP address with other data. IP addresses are anonymized in order to avoid any possible association.

If you do not want cookies to be installed, you can set up your browser software accordingly. However, please note that this may restrict some functionalities of this website.

You can also prevent Google from collecting and processing data on your usage of this website that has been generated through cookies (e.g., your IP address). In this case, you need to download and install a specific browser add-on (https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=de).

Further information on data protection with reference to Google Analytics is available in the support area of Google Analytics (https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245?hl=de).

As far as your actual browser session is concerned, you can disable the web analysis of Google Analytics completely by clicking on the following buttons:

Font Service

This website makes use of “fonts.com”, a font service by Monotype Imaging Holdings Inc. (“fonts.com”, Monotype GmbH, Horexstraße 30, 61352 Bad Homburg, Germany), an affiliate of Monotype Imaging Holdings Inc., Delaware, with headquarters in 600 Unicorn Park Drive, Woburn, Massachusetts 01801 USA. 

When you access this website, following data is collected: the (anonymised) project’s identification number of the web font and the URL of this website, which is linked up to our customer number in order to identify the licensed web fonts in use. After 30 days, this data is cancelled. This data is transmitted to authorised subsidiaries and affiliated companies of Monotype Imaging Holdings Inc.

When you access this website, your IP address is not collected – only its anonymised IP version instead. No data related to your person is collected or processed. No cookies are used. For any question related to the Privacy Policy of Monotype Imaging Holdings Inc. please contact privacy@monotype.com or

Monotype Imaging Holdings Inc., Attn. Data Protection Representative, 600 Unicorn Park Drive, Woburn, MA 01801 USA

The Privacy Policy of Monotype Imaging Holdings Inc. are subject to modifications.
For your current browser session, you have the option of disabling the font service completely by means of the following buttons.


This website uses the cartographic service Leaflet API for embedding maps of the Platform OpenStreetMap of the supplier OpenStreetMap Foundation (132 Maney Hill Road, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, B72 1JU, United Kingdom). Here you can find the Privacy Policy of OpenStreetMap Foundation: https://wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Privacy_Policy).

In order to have cartographic material embedded and displayed on it, your web browser must accept a connection with other servers. In this way it is basically possible that information on your use of this website (including your IP address) is transmitted to other servers and stored there. 

If you want to avoid data to be transferred to third parties, you can disable the service of OpenStreetMap by disabling JavaScript in your browser. However, please note that in this case the display of maps on the websites is not possible or limited.

Use of the Online Booking Tool of OBS OnlineBuchungService GmbH

In our Internet service we use the Online Booking Tool (in the following referred to as “OBT”) of OBS OnlineBuchungService GmbH (Im Gewerbepark D 33, D-93059 Regensburg, www.online-buchung-service.de; in the following referred to as “OBS”) in order to enable users to book the services of accommodation facilities and other travel services online and their requests to be processed. As far as the OBT is concerned, the data processor is OBS. Guidelines and rules on data protection are contained in the Privacy Policy of OBS concerning the OBT that you can find at any time in the OBT or at online-buchung-service.de/datenschutzerklaerung-buchung.

Notice on the Possibility of Online Booking on this Website 
The possibility of carrying out online bookings offered on this website is made available and managed by our partner OBS OnlineBuchungService GmbH acting as an intermediary between the customer and the supplier of each service:

OBS OnlineBuchungService GmbH
Im Gewerbepark D33, D-93059 Regensburg
Tel. 0049-(0)941/46374855, fax 0049-(0)941/46374859
Managing directors: Dr. Michael Braun, Magdalena Lexa
Register of Companies HRB Regensburg 10880 / VAT ID number: DE 260130012

Data Transmission

We do not transmit your personal data to any third party for purposes different from the ones listed below.

We transmit your personal data to third parties only if:

Rights of the Person Concerned

Please contact us at any time if you wish to know which kind of personal data of yours we store and/or if you want to have it amended or deleted. Moreover, you have the right of processing restriction (Art. 18 of the GDPR), opposition to processing (Art. 21 of the GDPR) and data portability (Art. 20 of the GDPR).

Please contact us directly if you want to exercise your rights. 

Right of Opposition

If your personal data is processed for a legitimate interest according to Art. 6 Par. 1-1-f) of the GDPR, you have the right to oppose the processing of your personal data according to Art. 21 of the GDPR. This if there are valid reasons resulting from your specific situation or your opposition is made against direct advertising. In this last case you have a general right of opposition, which we will implement without specifying any particular situation.

Please send us an e-mail (see “Imprint”) in order to exercise your right of withdrawal or opposition.

Data Safety

We have implemented all the appropriate technical and administrative safety measures in order to protect your personal data against loss, destruction, manipulation and unauthorized access. All of our employees and suppliers are bound to observe the data protection laws in force.

Whenever we collect and process any pieces of personal data, we encrypt all of them before transmitting them. Therefore, no third party can misuse your data. We improve our safety procedures and revise our privacy policies constantly. Please make sure their latest version is at your disposal.

Declaration, we will inform you on our website.

Changes to this Privacy Policy Declaration

We reserve the right to modify our privacy policy declarations, if required by new technologies. Please make sure their latest version is at your disposal. In case of substantial changes to fundamental sections of this Privacy Policy Declaration, we will inform you on our website.

Google Maps

This website includes cartographic material by Google Maps of Google Inc. (see above). This implies that Google processes the users’ IP address: as a matter of fact, Google Maps contents could not be sent to the users’ browser without an IP address. Therefore, the IP address is necessary to supply and show these contents. The Informationszentrum Naturpark Altmühltal cannot influence the IP address being processed by Google. Further information on the Terms and Conditions of Use and the Privacy Policy of Google is available at http://www.google.com/analytics/terms/de.html and https://www.google.de/intl/de/policies/.

Online Shop

All necessary data is stored for purposes of purchase proceeding and contract processing. Any data that is necessary in order to process the contract - such as name, address and other customer’s personal data - is not transmitted to any third party.

Use of the Online Booking Tool of OBS OnlineBuchungService GmbH

In our Internet service we use the online booking tool (in the following referred to as "OBT") of OBS OnlineBuchungService GmbH (Im Gewerbepark D 33, D-93059 Regensburg, www.online-buchung-service.de; in the following referred to as "OBS") in order to enable users to book the services of accommodation facilities and other travel services online and their requests to be processed. As far as the OBT is concerned, the data processor is OBS. Guidelines and rules on data protection are contained in the privacy policy of OBS concerning the OBT that you can find at any time in the OBT or at www.online-buchung-service.de/datenschutzerklaerung.

Data Protection Officer

Do you have any question?
If you have any questions on data safety relating to this website, please contact our Data Protection Officer:

Landratsamt Eichstätt
Residenzplatz 1
D-85072 Eichstätt
Phone: 0049-(0)8421/70-0 
E-mail: datenschutz@lra-ei.bayern.de 

The Informationszentrum Naturpark Altmühltal is a body of the District Landkreis Eichstätt.

The official Data Protection Officer has verified and approved this website with reference to compliance with law provisions on data protection. Upon your request you will receive information about your stored personal data and can have any wrong data amended (Art. 10 and 11 of the Bavarian Data Protection Law “Bayerisches Datenschutzgesetz”). Provided that all law provisions are met, you can ask stored data to be blocked or deleted (Art. 12 of the Bavarian Data Protection Law “Bayerisches Datenschutzgesetz”). Further information on data protection is also to be found on the website of the Bavarian Data Protection Officer (www.datenschutz-bayern.de).