"Felsentor" Arch of Rock (Unteremmendorf)

Der Burgstall „Torfelsen“ liegt hoch über Unteremmendorf. Der alte Burgzugang führte vermutlich über das natürlich entstandene Felsentor. Die in der Felsbank liegende, 25 Meter tiefe begehbare Höhle war in die Burganlage einbezogen, ebenso eine zweite Höhle 15 Meter weiter westlich. Die drei Burgen „Torfelsen“, „Saufelsen“ und „Hubertusfelsen“ der Herren Emmendorf , einer eichstättischen Dienstmannenfamilie, gehen auf drei Linien des Geschlechts zurück, die verschiedene Wappen führten.
The remains of the Torfelsen castle are still visible high over Unteremmendorf. The ancient entrance of the castle probably led through a rock arch of natural origin. The castle incorporated the cave that is located in a rock bank practicable up to a depth of 25 m as well as a second cave, which is located 15 m to the west. The lords of Emmendorf, a vassal family of Eichstätt, built the three castles "Torfelsen", "Saufelsen" and "Hubertusfelsen", which can be traced back to three lines of the same house with different coats of arms.
A family of episcopal ministries was named after Emmendorf and it was firstly mentioned in 1119 with Konrad of Emmendorf. There is also evidence of another Konrad of Emmendorf who was episcopal chamberlain between 1186 and 1206. Euphemia of Emmendorf was abbess of the convent of St. Walburga in Eichstätt between 1299 and 1321. Albrecht Emmendorfer became bailiff of Rain (am Lech) in 1361 and Friedrich Emmendorfer held the position of bailiff at St. Willibaldsberg (that means at the Willibaldsburg castle in Eichstätt) between 1383 and 1387. Moreover, in 1422, duke Ludwig of Ingolstadt (called the Bearded) employed Friedrich Emmendorfer as an administrator for the castle Wackerstein that he had conquered. It is possible to trace the three castles back to several lines of the Emmendorfer family with different coats of arms. In 1444, members of the Emmendorfer house sat as gentlemen in the court of Hirschberg, and the Absberger of Rumburg (near Enkering) held their own possessions already in 1451 as a fee of the ecclesiastical principality of Eichstätt. At that time, the Emmendorfer family seems to disappear with the consequent decline of its castles.
The arch of rock is located high over Unteremmendorf and can be reached walking on a rise or leaving the street and descending on the hiking trail Altmühltal-Panoramaweg.
Car parking: in Unteremmendorf or over the town (street towards Irlahüll, distance: around 700 m)
Bus parking: parking in Unteremmendorf (distance: around 700 m)
Bus service (RBA line 9232) from the railway station in Kinding, bus stop: Unteremmendorf (distance: around 700 m)