Palaeontology Museum "Museum Bergér"

Those who cross the threshold of the Museum Bergér step into a primeval world rich in fascination: after million years, fossils still provide a thrilling and instructive insight into the animal world and vegetable kingdom that existed at that long gone time.
The Museum Bergér conveys a comprehensive knowledge of the formation of fossils and limestone slabs. In addition, it also includes a dry aquarium with corals and marine animals, exhibitions on "Precious Stones, Minerals and Jewellery" ("Edelsteine, Mineralien und Schmuck") and an exhibition on woods and meadows. It is also possible to admire a still working lithographic press dating back to 1850.
The Museum is located on the Harthof, where it was founded in 1968 thanks to Fritz Bergér's passion for collecting. For years and years, he and his brothers collected fossils and prepared thousands of exhibits with a painstaking work. Today, the most beautiful specimens can be admired at the museum. All of the exhibits belonging to the fossil collection have been found in the Bergér family's own stone quarries. A highlight of the collection is the fossil insects "starring" many dragonflies in remarkable state of preservation.
Today fossils are still being prepared at the museum: in fact, in the museum's shop it is possible to find fossils and minerals as stone souvenir.
children, schoolchildren and students: 1.00 €
Adults: 3.00 €
Families (2 adults with 2 or more children): 7.00 €
Groups (from 20 persons on): 2.50 €/person
Guided tour of the museum: free
Guided tours on extraction and processing of the Solnhofen limestone slabs in the museum-owned quarry and smoothing section: 30.00 Euro - only upon agreement at 0049-(0)8421-97920.
Opening hours
9. April till September
Tuesday till Friday: 1:30PM till 5:00PM
Saturday and Sunday, on public holidays: 10:00AM till 5:00PM
Saturdays and Sundays: from 10 am to 5 pm
Monday to Friday*: from 1.30 pm to 5 pm
* from 1st July to 30th September: every day from 10 am to 5 pm
Groups also upon agreement
Parkmöglichkeit für PKW und Busse direkt am Museum
Beim Museum
Car and bus parking close to the museum.
The museum can be reached also by public means of transportation (ÖPNV, Mon. to Fri.), bus stop: "Blumenberg".
Car and bus parking directly at the museum.