Roman Baths in Weißenburg

A Large and Exceptionally Well-Preserved Bath Complex of Roman Age
The large baths discovered in 1977 give an exciting insight into the most enjoyable side of Roman culture. In ancient times, thermae were not only a luxurious place where to relax and recover among the most different kinds of baths and a rich "wellness offer". They were also one of the most popular meeting places with many possibilities of practicing sport, playing games, drinking and eating. Undoubtedly, they were also the right place where to close deals and to gossip. Both men and women went there. However, the baths did not aim mainly at promoting entertainment, but at safeguarding people’s hygiene and health.
Visitors can easily follow the architectural development of the Roman thermae thanks to the preservation and restauration interventions that took place in the early 1980s. A scale model and the docu-drama "Power, Sumptuousness and Decline" ("Macht, Pracht und Untergang") make the former look and the ancient magnificence of the thermae and the castrum "tangible". In addition, the films "Parade Equipment of the Roman Cavalry" and "Gladiators’ Fights" ("Paraderüstungen der römischen Reiterei" and "Gladiatorenspiele") present the function of the different Roman armours and how they looked like.
Adults: 4.00 €
Reduced: 2.50 €
Families: 8.00 €
Reduced ticket: schoolchildren, students, trainees, severely disabled persons, members of volunteer associations, unemployed, groups from 15 persons on, holders of volunteer association cards: on presentation of a document.
If you are visiting in a larger group (15+), please reserve in advance.
Opening hours
15. March till 15. November
Tuesday till Sunday, on public holidays: 10:00AM till 5:00PM
Ostermontag and Pfingstmontag
Closed on 24th, 25th, 26th and 31st December, as well as from 1st January to 14th March.
Other Roman heritage sites:
Castell Biriciana
Roman Museum "RömerMuseum"
The Roman baths are included in the project "Außerschulische Lernorte" (Educational Sites Outside of School).
Parkplätze für Pkw und Bus
Weißenburg i.Bay.
April 12th, 2025
Guided tours and excursions
Weißenburg i.Bay.
May 10th, 2025
Guided tours and excursions
Weißenburg i.Bay.
June 21st, 2025
Guided tours and excursions
Weißenburg i.Bay.
July 12th, 2025
Guided tours and excursions
Weißenburg i.Bay.
August 16th, 2025
Guided tours and excursions
Weißenburg i.Bay.
September 13th, 2025
Guided tours and excursions
On the western outskirts of the town of Weißenburg, not far from the large Roman castrum Biriciana
Car and bus parking
Train station